

Prepend dummy header: -e prepend dummy Ethernet II header with specified 元PID ( in HEX ). N assign name to the interface in the pcapng file. m max packet length in output default is 262144 -n use pcapng instead of pcap as output format. Use this option if your dump is a complete hex dump of an encapsulated packet and you wish to specify the exact type of encapsulation. Output : -l link - layer type number default is 1 (Ethernet). NOTE : Do not enable it if the input file does not contain the ASCII text dump. The start of the ASCII text dump can be identified and excluded from the packet data, even if it looks like a HEX dump. a enable ASCII text dump identification. The indication is only stored if the output format is pcapng. This is used when generating dummy headers.


D the text before the packet starts with an I or an O, indicating that the packet is inbound or outbound.


NOTE : Date / time fields from the current date / time are used as the default for unspecified fields. Example : The time "10:15:14.5476" has the format code "%H:%M:%S." NOTE : The subsecond component delimiter, '.', must be given, but no pattern is required the remaining number is assumed to be fractions of a second. t treat the text before the packet as a date / time code the specified argument is a format string of the sort supported by strptime. Usage : text2pcap where specifies input filename ( use - for standard input ) specifies output filename ( use - for standard output ) Input : -o hex | oct | dec parse offsets as ( h ) ex, ( o ) ctal or ( d ) ecimal default is hex. 7 - 0 - gfb6522d84a3a ) Generate a capture file from an ASCII hexdump of packets.
